Lightweight construction meets crash performance
When it comes to reconciling crash safety and lightweight design, steel remains a key material in the auto industry. New manganese-boron steel alloys can achieve strengths of 1,500 MPa or greater after hot stamping – far higher than with conventional forming processes. These high strengths have opened up entirely new possibilities for lightweight auto construction. Parts made from thinner materials, can deliver equivalent or even improved crash performance.
Hot formed tailored blanks can combine sheets of boron in different thicknesses. Boron steel can also be combined with other steel grades to further optimize the cost and performance of the part. Extremely high strengths can be realized at very low weights.
Advantages of hot formed tailor welded blanks
- Hot stamping can deliver the classic advantages of tailored products
- Higher strengths and lower part weight
- Combination with mild steel grades provides residual elongation in crash-relevant areas and strength in areas that are required
- HotWire process eliminates the need for ablation in application combinations
- HotWire allows for AlSi coating weight reduction, reducing costs